This is Mikel Bruce with Frog Web Studios. I’d like to talk a little bit about email marketing. We’ve been using email marketing as a marketing tool for many years. Probably ten or twelve years or so and I believe that email marketing has changed a lot over the years. I’d like to touch on how email marketing has changed. One thing that doesn’t work nearly as effectively as it used to is sending out general emails to mass large lists. Most people are getting inundated with a lot of email marketing emails and newsletters and most people tend to avoid or ignore them.
But I think email marketing is very strong and has a very strong impact when it is used very specifically. So what I typically recommended is segmenting your list in very specific niches and then sending very specific email marketing newsletters and messages to very specific niches that will appeal to what they’re looking for. And that way email marketing can be very effective. It certainly takes more time and effort to put together the newsletter and to segment the list, but if you can take the time to do that – your return on investment will be much higher. So I think email marketing is still a very effective tool but I think it needs to be looked at and used differently than it was just a few years ago. Thank you.
For more on effective marketing tools hop on over to Mikel’s video about The Importance of Content For A Blog by clicking HERE.